CEIP Bergantinhos in Almyros 21 NOV 2018 ABELENCASTRO EDIT CEIP Bergantinhos is located in Carballo, a town that is 33km far from La Corunna and 45 km from Santiago de Compostela. We are 695 students, from 3 to 12 years old, and 49 teachers. Our students come to school on foot, from the neighbourghood, and by bus from the surroundings. Our Erasmus+ Project is called Teaching and Learning Through Photography Art. With this project we want our children to improve their language skills, relationships, tolerance… so they become better europeans citizens. We are having our first transnational meeting in Volos, Greece. We have met our colleagues from Greece, France, Italy, Bulgaria and Latvia at last! We are learning many things and we are willing to share our experiences with our children and mates. We’ll invite you to visit our library’s blog .
BERGANTECA. Benvidos á biblioteca de Tintón no colexio Bergantiños.Desexo, que cando visitedes a nosa biblioteca encontredes nela a mellor forma de pasar o tempo, de entretervos, de viaxar a países inéditos, de coñecer amigos,de encher os vosos corazóns e as mentes de novas e interesantes cousas que vos sirvan para crear un futuro máis xusto e pracenteiro.